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tv   [untitled]    May 10, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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internationally i got a lot of questions in france or france and you know other people are going to start using drones eventually until it's time to you know it's not just going to be us forever us they want to thank so much i you know thank you very much. so to come tonight your privacy on the internet of being threatened every day so we're going to talk to a developer who's working tirelessly to keep your and i'm going to take a lot. of. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like you think you understand it and then you glimpse
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something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. wealthy british style. but on the right. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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hi guys it's time for show and tell on tonight's program now throughout the week we've told you about the bank of america shareholders meeting where their efforts made to ban the company from making political contributions with their treasury funds so we want to know if you think that shareholders of other companies follow and their footsteps speak up and try to stop political. find out what you had to
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say. i'm on the streets of d.c. to tell people the nation's capital what our viewers had to say on twitter facebook and you tube and see which comments we should keep orderly. but. do you think that shareholders of these big companies should get more involved to stop their political spending i'm going to read your response from marina on facebook she said yes the shareholders should but that doesn't mean they will keep it at think they should at think they should think they will i think that it's a good idea to go ahead and do it like that and i'm going to read your response from miles on facebook he wrote in to say and the attempts by some shareholders to stop such spending will never be anything but an empty gesture because those with the largest number of shares are the ones most likely to support political spending one should share shareholder just like anybody else anybody that buys stock in the companies probably not be able to do too much but they should try and they should have the right to do it people who have the greatest wealth and the greatest money
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really they want to see that they've got a responsibility to not just use that that wealth of money as some sort of power to influence politics a lot of people seem to agree if you can't get congress or the courts to overturn said us and united it's worth a shot to get shareholders more involved than. our big three responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we updated you on the case of tim de christopher so i want to know if you think there's been more of a crackdown on civil disobedience in recent years or of cycling dissent is simply an age old tradition in the u.s. let us know if you think on facebook twitter and you tube and who knows your response just might make it on air. now we often talk about the increasing attempts by the government to threaten internet freedom privacy create new ways to monitor what you do and say online from sis but the f.b.i. has pushed to force tech companies to create a backdoor froth already is there's
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a lot going on but there's also a large push out there to help internet users retain their anonymity even monitor how much meddling there is on your computer's network connection in the torah project the open observatory of network interference so i guess it just makes sense too that one of the people behind these tools has himself been a government target here this gustus with me is jake about a bomb developer with the tour project jacob thanks for coming on this for ok so first i have to you know go back a little bit because i do wonder if all of your experiences of somehow lead you to what you're creating now and so just tell me a little bit of how your life is changed since since week you weeks in terms of every time you try to travel and you know you get interrogated and you get your things confiscated i mean i've been a cypherpunk and working on sort of liberation technologies if you will for a number of years and obviously after speaking on behalf of julian and hackers on planet earth that meant that i got to experience what it was like to be watch listed in her to experience
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a sort of cointelpro two point zero if you will and so that has really in a sense convinced me that it is a necessity to build privacy and anonymity and security technologies that are accessible to everyone but the technologies you know for example the tour project you're working on with that of helps you when it comes to border searches and seizures which the government you know now takes good advantage of obviously it's not just you but it's obviously we've had david house on the show a lot of times he was open to. i mean it's part of the larger strategy which is this idea of liberty is something that is. something we should have in our society and so this is just one part of it it doesn't help with border searches directly but you can use tor of course to download information across the border so you don't have to carry it on your if you want to do for example or to view things so that when you're in another country or in this country it's much more difficult to actually monitor what you're doing and not how it's a legal work exactly so the turn at work is basically made up of a bunch of nodes in the network which we say nodes but realistically it's just people at their house clicking i want to help the network they click i want to help
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they become part of the solution so this is sort of a mutual aid and solidarity based solution and it's a peer to peer network so you browse the web through tour and the way that that works is you pick three computers at random or four and then you read through each of them and each one of them has only a small piece of the information so the first one knows who you are maybe or where you're coming from but they don't know where you're going to only see the second one and the second one knows about the third in the first and of course the third knows where you're going but they don't know that you're for example here anymore and so that compartmentalisation is what we would call privacy by design so there's not a central authority that runs this they can do interception on it we'll never put it back door into tour i mean i would i would never do that and no one else working on tor would do that either but what do you think about that you know since you mentioned it to you because we just spoke about this earlier this week and it's not the first time that the feds are trying to do this but right now we just found out that the i's been lobbying heavily they've been going you know to meet with facebook with google with these big companies in silicon valley and try to ask them
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to not oppose this piece of legislation that's going to force them to actually put this back to our in you know what are companies supposed to do in that sense we'll consider the history of the f.b.i. is one of racism and violence we know this from cointelpro in the fifty's sixty's and seventy's and we learned this from through the church committee it doesn't surprise me that the f.b.i. continuing with that trend would take it to the digital sphere and it seems to me that the key thing is to reject these these proposals and not only to reject them but to understand that when a company accepts that. as inevitable and that is a company that does not serve the interests of the constitution it doesn't serve the interests of the american people and so we will not do that we will not put a backdoor in and part of the reason is because it is impossible to ensure that the backdoor will only be used by so called good people because as far as i'm concerned our only for real investigation as far as i'm concerned to see and this is the original law enforcement wiretapping stuff from the ninety's about the internet and
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about modern telephone systems has seen clear might as well stand for china if if lockheed martin and google can be compromised by the chinese i really doubt that their so-called lawful interception capabilities will remain secure that to me just sounds like quite a statement without any evidence to back it up without any proof that their previous systems are secure for example so why do you think it is then that companies like this i mean so far we haven't heard an outcry from them when it comes to sis but at the same time right most of these major tech companies are in fact supporting it with the exception of i guess you could say facebook and microsoft are now in this weird gray area where they say they're concerned about privacy but they haven't fully come out i know in the way that we saw with sopa and pipa you know so why what are the dynamics of that deal with these companies but i think that you know part of the thing that is scary about the american political world right now is a real nationalist drum beating and there is a real fear especially because as people i think rightfully would say there is
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a serious threat of terrorism from al qaeda like this underwear bomber thing that just came to the surface a couple days ago people don't want to stop legitimate law enforcement investigations and when there's an economic incentive. to not stop that then it's tricky and it's even trickier still and so part of it is that people want to support legitimate things well also standing against the illegitimate things and it's really hard to do that precisely because that kind of back towards the f.b.i. is asking for those those back doors they don't have a human involved necessarily and so that means the ethical tricky parts just get automated out of the job so i think a big part of it is that these companies need to pick and choose their battles because when they lose these battles in some cases it will destroy their business models especially places that become data silos if you have no fourth amendment rights with third parties that's a really serious problem for every third party that makes their money and looking at your data so i think they want to make sure that they can balance those
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interests but at the same time i think they don't want to light a fire under the wrong people and start a fight well especially i guess when you start becoming close of washington in a lot of ways to right now. they have a google party around the white house correspondents' dinner and you know you you're hobnobbing with all the people in power tell me more so we spoke think specifically about the tour project to tell me about where you can actually figure out what kind of censorship or surveillance is out there when i whenever you look up. the tour project is also involved in a thing which we're calling the open observatory network interference on the base i don't want to say although i do i think the basic idea is that you can you know have a human rights style observation program so you know just like we have human rights monitors looking at human rights violations access to information the right to speak freely the right to read these are things that we cherish that the united nations the constitution of the united states these are things that we're constantly reinforcing and so the project is an idea that we should have open
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methodology open source and free software tools that implement that methodology and open data for peer review and independent verification which allows people then to write papers that talk about the political or the socio. anomic perspective of things that are happening so we see censorship of services like google or maybe we see services that are not google but that are very regional specific things and this idea of this project is to bring everybody under a big tent and say let's talk about the censorship that's happening in the framework of human rights and in the framework of human rights reporting and it's run by the last oh and myself from the tor project and we are currently looking for people that want to hack on it and we are basically building these tools and they'll be available for everyone and i get a feeling that you know within our audience you might find a few people that are interested in so just before we let you go here i mean i have to ask because we finally have even studio is there anything that you can talk about in terms of an update you know with wiki leaks that even asked you go to the grand jury in alexandria hear anything so i've never been subpoenaed to the grand
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jury and i'm really glad about that and to the best of my knowledge there hasn't been any further crazy legal stuff that's happening i did have the pleasure of meeting the deputy general counsel of the f.b.i. at an open society meeting not too long ago a couple weeks ago and she sort of hinted that i might know something about national security letters and i wasn't sure if that was a hint that maybe there was one for my e-mail or something like that but it wouldn't be surprised if we learned something more about that but i've also heard that maybe maybe they're going to leave me alone but you know the thing about this kind of crony capitalist democracy sense is that the essentially have this like sort of favor you know this sort of korean favor with officials attitude and i mean this is what we're you know we were the united states that was so bad about russia during the cold war it was this idea that you have to know somebody to get off these kinds of lists and if you don't you know curry the right favor you or your life in your career will be destroyed and it's obscene that kind of repeat itself here is really depressing to me so i'm hopeful that it's over but i also know that
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these things don't end themselves we have to build alternatives that make sure that those things go away while definitely keeping an eye on all of it jacob thanks so much for being here thanks so much for having me. all right time for one last break that. up next is told time and it looks like the terror babies have finally reached u.s. shores and it's time for happy hour jimbo's joining us self course we're going to be talking about the tasks a new time magazine cover. mission free accreditation free in-store charges free. arrangement free. three stooges free. download free blogging a lot of videos for your media projects
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a free medio gondar t.v. dot com. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are old today .
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oh. my guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight the war goes to our old
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pals over the t.s.a. america's least favorite government agency they've done a lot of ridiculous things over the past couple years it was the junk touching t.s.a. agents patting down travelers in their personal areas and the junk touching was in large part thanks to the poor in scanners full body x. rays revealed all of the photos the agency was keeping when they said if they would it now after all of this the agency patted down grandmothers in wheelchairs babies and toddlers refused to spare anybody physically incapable of carrying out terrorist attacks recently that he has a reached a new low even by their standards take a look. at eighteen months old reanna has been called a lot of things cute adorable and now suspected terrorist it happened tuesday night at the airport in fort lauderdale brianna and her parents had just boarded a jet blue flight they were heading home to new jersey they say that's when a jet blue employee told them they had to get off the plane agents from the transportation security agency the t.s.a.
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needed to speak to them and i said for what and he said. well it's not you or your husband your daughter was flying as no fly i said excuse me. but enough of the t.s.a. is clearly using racial profiling here but a baby flagged for the no fly really but the split second of a found out the suspect wasn't old enough to have a civil conversation they should have let her go but that would have betrayed the agency's reputation for fathomable incompetence at least they're consistent right now this is another example of why the t.s.a. is about as popular as a slap in the face and why going to the airport can fill a lot like having teeth pulled and given this latest incident it's not all that surprising that congress people are proposing to scale back the t.s.a. senator rand paul's office even announced last week that they're drafting legislation to scrap the agency entirely now i do feel bad for a lot of the t.s.a. employees most of them are the idiots who strip search babies and grandmas but how can you blame anybody for unloading on t.s.a.
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agents when they take orders from paranoid control freaks especially in this case where it seems like they must have been taking some cues from one of congress as biggest clowns take a look. they would have young women who became pregnant would get them into the united states to have a baby they would need may have to pay anything for the baby and then they would return back where they could be raised and coddled as future terrorists. and then one day twenty thirty years down the road they could be sending him to help destroy our way of life because they figured out that's right seems like somebody is listening to louie go mare's loony terror babies theory and all seriousness though it's pretty astonishing that the t.s.a. actually detained an eighteen month old for questioning so for that the latest in a long series of cringe inducing embarrassments the transportation security administration when tonight's tool time award.
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all right joining me this evening for happy hour is our various meant for andrew blake and jim hampton roads aren't special operations master sergeant and military blunder at that five dot net. i mean look at look at your outfit right i had to say something anyway let's thank you the boss of one laundry day to no one told me i was coming on the air. you knew with enough ram whatever we'll move on we'll move on let's just talk about we obviously had to talk about the time magazine cover that's out there today because every been doing a lot of them out and that they are you mom enough and i originally thought that no way that's a model and like a child it after about the real kid and his mom and it's about how some women out
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there you know like to all the over mom in the still keep breastfeeding like five years old which i think is just grows does it is that what determines if your mom enough like you they need to be more specific or they present a question like that i. mean is this how we're judging motherhood in their you know is her philosophy ok they're calling it attachment parenting. she needs some detachment counsel a hole in the world part of the cover is she smokin hot and she's got a three year old being on a stool attached to her moving more than that's one of the you know the kid i think there's a three out of whatever he's too old to be. i mean let's just roll it will go on but there's kind of an interesting i was reading an interesting take on this today about how we try to always separate the sexuality associated with boobs with like things like the fact like you breastfeed from that is there even when they're eighteen months old from the boot. that it's not see i tries just always want boobs
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to always be thick see and they're not always sexy because they also serve a certain maternal purpose the reason that i'm not so i just act like they're totally separate you know i mean i'm not i'm not into this woman breastfeeding her six year old and you should say that when you see it so you just stop but the mom is high it's serving part is what they needed no shirt no shoes no service they need no three year old snow service whatever that that's that's twisted that lady was going through and moves for you and you know what's covered for me with all the time ago that's a story for another day. that will. see this is what you back you said but it is oh my god you were the worst today the worst i'm feeling kind of. glad this is actually the messed up i mean this is something we've talked about many times before on our show specifically in new york this is a really big problem when it comes to their stop and frisk policy which i mean if
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you look at the stats racism definitely plays a role in it take a look. after and i didn't check per the twenty three year old college student who's never been in trouble with the law was released just like the other half dozen times he says the same thing happened to him over the last seven years. and mark movie. stop that's the only expense. there's some new stats out there i mean we we've covered the specifics of physics before that in two thousand and eleven and y.p. stop and frisk six hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred twenty four people eighty seven percent of them were minorities but they also pointed out which for some reason i have the number in front of me right now that there's actually more black men stopped than there were living in this for this particular city i mean if you were obviously getting stopped more than once but it's just so it's crazy that we rule out the chance of a coincidence. you know what's missing from this wonderful bit of
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statistics crime stats maybe i mean is that there is rarely losing just. the majority of these people are going to only then get released that's the whole point of these stop and when they get stopped they get frisked and abused by these police officers and then most of them yet but you. do you like it. just everywhere but let me let me just and this is different but somehow we just thought we could try to like lump it all in today. but in germany this is according to their spiegel are we going to come out and n.y.p.d. the german police no. german police only shot eighty five bullets in all of two thousand and eleven where we've had cases where there's just one guy that had eighty four bullets shot into at one confrontation with police that guy deserved it he totally deserved. i'm not going to agree with you other than me i'm sick yeah. yeah cops cops kind of dude but you know if you're the man
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in the whole year i hold on and here are cops just unloaded when i lived in germany for three years in germany they got instead of the hard times they got those stagger sticks to flexible ones that can just beat the crap out of the swing it once it goes by going to work and there's people getting beat with those they have taken to get shot a good taser they are just big please shoot me. i can't. tell you where i can't wait to hear this next time we talk i'm told i'm talking to jim surprisingly through the embarrassment thing. we have done a lot of coverage on this as well when it comes to f.b.i. a lot of the counterterrorism training if they have had wired has done some great reporting when they uncovered a lot of these materials and it turns out that a lot of these classes were just teaching blatantly islamophobia stuff and general . martin dempsey chairman of the joint chiefs even root ordered an entire review of
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all the military training materials a couple of weeks ago after they found out after the first go around first investigation they were still teaching this one class and so wired got their hands on one of the presentations from this course and this slide well they basically told them that you know future leaders that a total war against the muslims in the world might be necessary to talk about some actions offered for consideration here will be seen not as politically correct in the eyes of many examples. where the decision points considered in the starvation mecca and medina destroyed islam or goes to cult status and then they leave open the option of things like dresden tokyo hiroshima that historical precedence. i don't you would look at it you know what it was all right let's put it on one very simple thing hold on the pentagon has people in charge of planning thermonuclear war they're supposed to take every potential crazy situation think
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about it talk about it and decide does this make sense or not that obviously doesn't make a ton of sense are you supposed to teach this in course material or not don't get seen or you should be doing if you answer the very possibility if the. reality that we want you didn't write it would literally mean every muslim on the planet. we have an article on this today archie dot com slash usa plugged it but there are a lot of terrible terrible terrible things in here yes the military did put an end to this a few months ago i don't want to say that i'm in favor of this in fact i'm completely opposed to it however here she. worked. now that there is not that we need to nuke anyone right now i can see why they would say oh here is like the last ditch effort for something you know eradicating entire villages and one billion people you know all that mitt romney did this kid had been to you with a little. i'm going to clear i'm not for bombing any sides too late to it.
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but that was. totally conquered. gentleman saying the wrong thing on. bowling but thank you it was wrong thank you for joining me. tonight thanks for tuning in sorry for these guys make sure the come back tomorrow please share from george out of creating a special for disability just for veterans meantime don't forget to become a fan of the loner show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's or any other night you can catch all that you've got plus the owner shell and me up next. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you
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knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. there hasn't been a thing get on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism on a we.


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